Do you want to become a member of SL Pension Fund?

It is easy to become a member of SL pension fund. You simply start paying contributions into the fund and your rights are created. The employer is responsible for making sure the premiums are deposited into the fund, but fund members themselves are responsible for monitoring contributions and rights to the pension fund. If you want to see what rights you have earned, you can log in to SL's fund members’ website with an electronic ID card or Íslykill. You will also get a statement of contributions twice a year that you can compare to your pay slips. If any payments are missing the employer should be contacted for an explanation. You can also contact your pension fund for assistance.

SL pension fund is an independent pension fund that is open to all employees and self-employed individuals. The fund is based on mutual insurance and personal pension savings and is independent from trade unions and financial companies.

SL pension fund’s operations are divided into three departments: mutual insurance division, personal pension savings division and specified personal pension division. By joining the fund, you earn the right to a lifelong pension upon retirement in proportion to your payment to the fund, as well as the right to a disability pension, spouse's and child's pension.

Great returns on long-term interests 

SL pension fund has achieved exceptional results in long-term returns on its mutual fund and received an award in 2018 for the highest return over a 20-year period* (*According to Verdicta's review).

Affordable mortgages

SL pension fund offers affordable mortgages with up to 75% residential collateral and is thus in the forefront of pension funds.

Promoting best practices - ISO Standards

SL pension fund aims to maximize the long-term return of the fund's portfolios, taking risk into account, and be guided by the interests of fund members. Responsible investments mean that environmental factors, social factors and governance (ESG) are taken into account when evaluating, deciding and following up the fund's investments. We are therefore committed to work diligently towards gaining international standards to promote best practices within the fund.

SL pension fund is the first Icelandic pension fund to receive the ISO 14001 standard certificate, that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system within the fund.

SL pension fund was also the first Icelandic pension fund to receive the ISO 27001 standard. ISO 27001 standard concerns itself with information security.

SL lífeyrissjóður
Borgartún 29 | 105 Reykjavík
Id no.: 450181-0489 | Bank: 101-26-19050
Phone: 510 7400 | Fax: 510 7401
E-mail: sl [at]

Numbers of the fund:

Number of the mandatory retirement pension department (minimum contributions 4% and 11,5%) is: L015
Number of the personal savings department(voluntary pension contributions) is: X016
Number of the rehabilitation department is: R015